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About a month ago, I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. This happens too often actually. But as I sat in bed for an hour staring at the ceiling I kept thinking about this typeface.
I think the "S" came from bb8 on the new star wars movie trailer I have been obsessing over. You know that stuff always bleeds into your thinking. Somewhere around 3:30am I got out of bed and started drawing the face out. By 7am I had the whole set sketched out with some variations.
For the past month I’ve been working them out in sketch first and then tightening them up into a vector set. I worked throught he uppercase first and then got cracking on the lowercase and numerals. Again in sketch first then moved into vector. I like working this way since each character evolves andbecomes more interesting to me with each round of redraw. I find new things to accentuate or refine. The idea of negative space defining diagonals came out through this process for example.
One Insomnia riddled night turned into a Passion Project and now a typeface to downloadand use for any specific art deco display type need you might have for clients or for fun.
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