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BLACKHAWK is a supercharged, street-wise brush font bursting with energy. With extra attention to quick strokes and sharp details, BLACKHAWK is guaranteed to deliver an unapologetically loud & fast-paced message; ideal for logos, apparel, quotes, product packaging, or anything which needs a typographic turbo-boost.
Your download will include 3 font files;
- BLACKHAWK ~ A hand-made, all-capitals brush font which has a complete set of alternate A-Z characters. Simply switch between upper & lower case to access the alternates. (Tip: Try mixing up both upper and lowercase characters in a word to achieve the best text layout).
- BLACKHAWK Italic ~ A slanted version of the regular font, creating faster movement in the characters.
- BLACKHAWK Swashes ~ A bonus set of 11 swashes and 4 paint-splatters. Simply select this font and type any A-O character to create one of the bonus elements.
- All font files are provided in both TTF & OTF font formats. I recommend installing the TTF, and the OTF only if necessary.
- Includes a range of multilingual support
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