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Download Wellyfitts Script Font

Download Wellyfitts Script Font

Download Wellyfitts Font by yanindesign in Category Script Fonts File Sized 823.81 KB with format EOT, TTF, WOFF, SVG, WOFF2 Asdore Script Mantera Script Modigirl Script Rosvigts Script.

Download Wellyfitts Font
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Introducing Wellyfitts Calligraphy An elegant new font! For those of you who need a touch of elegance and modern for your design, this font is created for you, especially for designers of invitation cards, this font is very supportive of your work!

Wellyfitts are built with OpenType features and include the start and end of swash, alternative swash characters for most lowercase letters, numbers, punctuation, alternatives, ligatures and also support other languages :)

Which include

  • Wellyfitts TTF
  • Wellyfitts OTF
  • Wellyfitts WEB FONT

Installing Your New Font: This font can be installed in all software that can read standard fonts. Take a peek at this handy article for how to install your font! https://creativemarket.com/blog/how-to-install-your-new-font-in-a-few-easy-steps

Accessing the swashes / opentype features / glyphs: This font works best in a program that supports OpenType features such as Adobe Indesign, Adobe Illustrator CS, or Adobe Photoshop CC. However, if you have older versions of these programs or are trying to use the alternate glyphs in a program like Microsoft Word, you can still do so by installing the "Adore Alternates" file.

More Questions? Here are some (potential) answers!

  • Commercial use for this font is allowed for unlimited projects.
  • Fonts are not allowed to be used in templates for sale (on the internet, printed, or on an app).
  • You are not permitted to resell this font in any way.

If there's anything else you are unsure of feel free to pop me a message and Imail : sofyan.m88hasyim@gmail.com

Thanks :)

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